Since when do other humans possess perspectives worth considering? How can I be right all the time if others can be right some of the time? Not only did alcohol make me smart, it also made me impervious to the alternative viewpoints of almost everyone I encountered. I stop drinking my intelligence potion, work on myself for a few years, and whammo! Just like that, my ears are more than just sunglasses holders. Nobody told me this side effect of long-term sobriety.
Do Alcoholics Drink Every Day? Signs of Alcohol Use Disorder
Your substance addiction didn’t happen overnight. On the path to addiction, there are many small steps. Maybe you were trying to cope with depression, anxiety, anger, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Perhaps you wanted to escape the world and its responsibilities—whatever the reason you took steps towards your addiction to a substance. Can you think of a positive aspect of addiction? Damaged relationships, unhealthy environments, toxic people, or loss of love for yourself can define what life with a substance addiction entails.
Sobriety sucks.
Before you can begin your recovery journey, you can take a mental inventory of your life. Review your relationships, work, health, and legal statuses. Ask yourself why you want to enter treatment. Then call a center that offers medically supervised detoxification (detox). Take advantage of the therapy you receive, the coping skills you learn, and the Halfway house aftercare plan you create. As you get going, keep a simple chart or use an app that tracks your progress.
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Please post only when sober; you’re welcome to read in the meanwhile. When I hang out with my “normie” friends, and they have a couple of beers, loosen up a bit and then head home without doing anything crazy, out of control or self-destructive. I look at them being sober sucks and there’s a part of me that envies their ability to put down a drink, to enjoy alcohol responsibly without having it take over their lives. It makes me feel like I am just an out-of-control person.
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The other people next to you at group therapy sessions and support group meetings all have experiences that can help you. They want to be there for you when you are struggling. Join Recovery Connection in sharing stories of hope and recovery. We invite you to share your journey of recovery and be featured on Recovery Connection! Fill out the form below and one of our team members will reach out to help you get started. Instead, buck up and remember what’s in your control.
Even though breakups, job losses, and an unexpected death of a friend or family member, can be devastating, they will all happen at some point. And you need to know that you can make it through without relapsing. I wrote about some of my difficulties in sobriety last year, in a post called The Worst Parts of Sobriety. I was inspired to revisit the topic after reading a recent post by Heather Lowe, called Sober is Boring and I Have Lost Friends.
To get better, you have to change.
- On the other hand, thinking everything is acceptable when you complete treatment is unrealistic and can set you up for disappointment.
- Because in every challenge, there is also an opportunity for growth.
- I wrote about some of my difficulties in sobriety last year, in a post called The Worst Parts of Sobriety.
- The people I’d hung out with and felt close to often faded away.
I have since learned I am not alone in experiencing this phenomenon. These unanticipated obstacles to wellbeing have the capacity to derail an otherwise smooth sailing recovery. I am very happy and grateful to be two years sober, but I wish I’d known then, what I know now.
She (or he) is the one with the friends who got the job or was charming on that date. Maybe you’ve been more positive lately. Or perhaps you had a bad day and managed to handle it in a healthier way, and now you feel really good about that.